When you’re a busy farmer you have enough to worry about, without adding on the stress of wondering whether or not your silage is stored correctly for the future. Feed is one of the biggest costs to farms, and with this summer’s abundance of rain storing silage correctly for future use is a priority. Silage is “pickled pasture”, crops that have been preserved using lactic acid in an airless space to preserve the nutrients in the feed. If created and stored correctly, Silage can last for years. In fact, in 2018, Tamworth farmer Don Woods dug into a twenty-six year old silage pit to feed his cattle during a drought, finding it still had a protein content of 7.5%!
The Problem: Needing to properly store and maintain your silage pile face to save you time and money.
The Solution: Specialised equipment and advice from Eagle Direct!
No seriously! The best ways to maintain your Silage are to reduce aerobic deterioration, keep your silage face as compact as possible, avoid fracturing the face of your pile and use the appropriate equipment. Eagle Direct uses specially designed equipment such as the Fritsch Facer or the EasyRake to maintain your pile and improve efficiency during feed-out time.
Dry matter from Silage is where a significant portion of loss occurs. As matter on the outside and top of your pile has more exposure to air and changes in temperature, it dries out and becomes loose material on the ground and walls surrounding your pile to be wasted. The wrong equipment can cause face fracturing to your pile, leaving cracks for air and an unsteady foundation. Unlike other farm equipment like a bucket tractor, the Facer and Rake avoids unnecessary wear and tear, leaves a tight and even face, and ensures consistency no matter who is doing the job of getting the feed.
Proper Silage storage not only saves you money, it also increases the nutritional value of the feed which in turn increases the quality of product your livestock produces. With the proper fermentation and pH levels, Silage makes an easily digestible, nutritious and tasty feed for livestock. However once air has compromised the pile, the nutritional content of your feed decreases.
Losing dry matter is losing money, and Eagle Direct is here to make sure that unnecessary losses like that can be avoided. For more information, contact us directly on 02 63 946 064 or click the button below.